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Effects of the sun on the skin

How do the sun's rays affect our skin? The people enjoy the sun Some, even, have adored him. Sunlight is essential for many living beings. However, sunlight also has a dangerous side. It can damage the skin and even the eyes. The good news is that you can take some relatively simple measures to protect your body from sun damage and thus continue to enjoy the sun's healthful effects. Our bodies were designed to take advantage of the sun. Sunlight helps keep our sleep patterns on track so we can stay awake during the day and sleep deeply at night. Taking too little sun, especially in the winter months, can make some people prone to a form of depression known as seasonal affective disorder. Sunlight also helps the skin produce vitamin D, which is necessary for normal bone function and health. However, sunlight can also cause damage.

Sunlight travels to Earth as a mixture of visible and invisible rays or waves. Long waves, like radio waves, are harmless to people. However, shorter waves, such as ultraviolet (UV) light, can cause problems. The longest rays of these UV waves that reach the surface of the Earth are called UVA rays. The shorter ones are called UVB rays. Too much exposure to UVB rays can cause burns. UVA rays can penetrate the skin more deeply than UVB rays, but, in any case, both can affect health. When UV rays invade skin cells, they alter delicate processes that affect their growth and appearance. Over time, exposure to these rays can reduce the elasticity of the skin, which may even thicken, or it may wrinkle or thin out like tissue paper. "The more you expose yourself to the sun, the older your skin ages"

The skin has ways to prevent or repair such damage. The outermost layer of the skin constantly sheds the dead cells and replaces them. You will have noticed this type of skin repair if you have ever suffered a strong sunburn. The skin may peel, but usually returns to normal in one or two weeks. As you get older, it is harder for your skin to repair itself. Over time, ultraviolet damage can harm the skin and the underlying connective tissue. As a result, your skin can develop more lines and wrinkles. Skin cancer may initially appear as a small spot on the skin. Some cancers can extend deeply into the surrounding tissues; It can also spread from the skin to other organs of the body. Some people seek the sun as a source of vitamin D, but it takes only a moment to take advantage of the sun in this regard. "One needs very little exposure, it's enough between 10 or 15 minutes a day on the back of the hands, arms and face."

Certain factors such as cloudy days or having dark skin can reduce the amount of vitamin D that your skin generates. However, you can also get vitamin D from certain foods or dietary supplements. Consult your health care provider if you should take vitamin D supplements. Limit your time in the sun to protect the skin against premature wrinkles, damage and illness. "Smart behavior in the face of the sun is a good thing".

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