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10 common mistakes that women make when putting on makeup

Most girls paint their faces daily without knowing some details that experts recommend not to do. What failures are the most frequent? Here we tell you so that you do not commit them.

Makeup is one of the indispensable allies for women. Along with the daily facial care products, the cosmetics for painting are also part of the routine of many of them. From a young age, putting on makeup is a feminine habit that is learned in a self-taught way and not in a professional way, which implies falling easily into errors that are not taken into account.

The specialists warn of some common mistakes that women make when they put on makeup and their solutions. 1.- Prepare the skin. One of the most common oversights is not caring for the dermis prior to the application of makeup, which causes it to not be uniform on the skin and cakes in the lines of expression, wrinkles and pores. Therefore, always clean, moisturize and protect the skin properly according to the needs of each person. 2.- Ideal base tone. Using a darker or lighter tone than necessary is one of the most common mistakes. As a result, a mask effect is achieved that is not aesthetic at all. To show off a more tanned face you should not choose a stronger makeup, but apply a gentle sun powder later, drawing a three in both directions, from the center of the forehead to the chin and then a touch on the bridge of the nose . 3.- Prolong the duration of makeup. The days from Monday to Friday are usually long and, therefore, many women seek the optimal way to keep their face intact since they leave the house early until they return at night. 4.- Profiling the lip. Despite what is usually believed, you should not delineate the lip with the pencil before applying the lipstick, but afterwards. 5.- Flattering lipstick color. Every time there is more variety of lipstick tones and choosing the right one can suppose a puzzle and take to buy colors that do not feel well to the person, also it is necessary to bear in mind that the dark tones mark more the facial features, while the soft ones they soften and rejuvenate. 6.- Rub the lips. Who has not pressed hard lips after applying the lipstick in order to distribute it correctly? This common practice does nothing but dry the lips. To make them look perfect, they should be hydrated frequently and never rubbed. To remove excess lipstick and not stain your teeth, you should insert your finger into the center of the mouth and remove it by rubbing the lip to eliminate the excess. 7.- Optimize the effect of the eyeliner. One of the most repeated errors is to apply it on the lower eyelid since "the only thing we will achieve is to turn off the eye, therefore, the stroke of the eyeliner should be used to enlarge the look by drawing a clean and defined stroke on the upper eyelid. To obtain a good result, the expert recommends using a eyeliner with a tip whose thickness is easy to use. 8.- Apply the corrector properly. Many times it is used after having made all the makeup of the face, abusing it as a final touch to "correct" even more. This idea is not correct because "the more you use it, the less time it will last", it should only be used after applying the base and in moderation, in case you need additional coverage to correct dark circles and imperfections. 9.- How to curl the eyelashes. When should the curler be used? Before or after applying the mask? Professionals say that it should always be used delicately when the eyelash is completely clean to prevent splitting. After applying makeup, and to remove traces of lumps, they should be combed with a suitable brush. 10.- Take into account the eyebrows. They are the forgotten ones of the face, and that they exert a great power on the image of the face and the expression. They must be well defined and show a natural look and use the right makeup tools to give them better shape and perfect them. For example, a suitable pencil will serve to fill or lengthen them.

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