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What is the true beauty of women?

The female figure, over the years, has deteriorated. Thanks to the use and abuse of a sensationalist cultural figure and that of the advertising media to attract the public and achieve greater sales. The physical beauty for a woman has become a paramount value for which she is willing to pay a high price. Thus, the body is no longer seen as a part of what we are, and has become a property that is made to gain popularity, climb positions, get favors or achieve fame. And just as we do with nature, we transform it without regard. The woman is beautiful not because of her external forms, but because of her inner richness. His beauty is not in his figure; it is seen in his eyes that they are the window to the goodness of his heart and the purity of his feelings. Nor is it in the softness of his skin or the shine of his hair, but in the tenderness of caresses and the sweetness of his words; neither in the strength and consistency of its contours but in the solidity of its convictions and the strength of its principles. Because the true beauty of the woman is manifested in the greatness of her soul, where her spiritual wealth shines, her integrity before pain, her dedication to serve and her inexhaustible ability to love.

The beauty of a woman is in her eyes. "To have beautiful eyes, look at the good in people For attractive lips, speak with kind words For a thin body, share your food with the needy To have good bearing, walk knowing that you will never be alone" "The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she has or how she combs in. The beauty of a woman must be sought in her eyes, which are the access door to her heart, the place where she resides love"


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